Have you ever stopped to think how much contact your car actually has with the road? Your car (and YOU) stay on the road because of 4 hand-sized pieces of rubber compound. Let’s keep your tires properly inflated and rotated. And let’s replace your tires when the tread gets worn. But there’s more to it than that. Your tires can also be an early warning system for other problems:
- Are they worn on only one side? An alignment will help to solve that problem and improve your car’s fuel efficiency.
- Does your car shake a certain speeds? It may need a wheel balance. A very slight difference in the weight from one half of your tire to the other can create a powerful vibration at high speeds.
- Worn shocks can create other difficulties with your tires.
Today’s engines operate better, last longer and are more fuel-efficient than engines of 10 or 20 years ago. And in order to keep them working at their peak performance, they continue to need a regular tune-up. Today’s tune-up is very different than one from 20 years ago. Yes, we still check the plugs, filters and fluid levels, but these days there is a very different aspect to a tune-up. Today’s engines work better in part because of the computer-controlled electronics in your engine compartment. These complex components are designed to talk directly the scopes and diagnostic equipment here at Precision Auto Tech. Our technical expertise will ensure that your fuel efficiency is optimized, that your car is running reliably and no problems are looming.
Every one from your father to your buddies to your bank manager has said to change your oil regularly. Well, everyone at Precision Auto Tech will join the chorus. Your engine generates temperatures in excess of 200 degrees, or higher. Your motor oil lubricates and helps to cool your engine. Over time motor oil loses some of its viscosity (its ability to flow). It is recommended that you change the oil in your car every 5,000 kilometres. Just call us at Precision Auto Tech. We can change your oil this time or set up a schedule for you to regularly have your oil changed with the seasons, or each month depending on your driving habits. And be sure to check your oil regularly. The proper fluid level is important to have your engine function at its peak efficiency.
Remember the hazy, lazy days of summer. Lying on the beach, cooling off in the water. Then walking back to the car, opening the door and being hit with the wall of super heated air. First thing is to start the car and put the air conditioning on full force.
If you have an older car, the refrigerant used is likely freon or R-12. However, R-12, is partially responsible for depletion of the ozone layer. The refrigerant is no longer manufactured and its use is strictly controlled. If you have a failure with your air conditioning system, you will likely require a conversion kit to modify the type of coolant used to a much less harmful R-134a. These conversions are reliable, and let you do your part to protect the environment.
The leading cause of traffic accidents is brake failure. WOW! And brake failure is nearly always preventable. Stop worrying about potential failures and enjoy peace of mind. Precision Auto Tech is a brake specialist. Checking your brake system regularly will often save you in the long run. Replacing worn pads before they damage the disks or drums is a modest cost. If you wait until your car is sounding like a streetcar, you will likely have more extensive repairs and a higher cost. If any work is necessary, we will give you a choice of parts. A better grade of materials (pads for example) may be one of the best bargains around. They will last longer and perform better then standard grades. You are in control. Both here at Precision Auto Tech and on the road when the need arises. Come in for a brake inspection.
We will check:
- Pads and shoes for wear
- Drums and rotors for wear
- Wheel cylinders and calipers for leaks
- Hydraulic lines and hoses for leaks, kinks and blockages
- Fluid in the master cylinder for level and condition
Did you know that the main cause of failed mufflers is simply a broken clamp? And that the cost of a clamp amounts to pocket change? If you’re aware of this, chances are you already deal with us, because at Precision Auto Tech we believe an informed customer is a contented customer. We like to help take the mystery out of automotive repairs. Our clients really appreciate that. Besides, explaining about all of the “little extras” we provide is good for business. For example, when you bring your car in for an oil change, our technicians always check the exhaust system. Just a “little wiggle here, and a little wiggle there” to make sure everything is firm and tight. You may not even be aware, and yet this simple precaution could save you hundreds of dollars in unnecessary repairs. How? Because those “little wiggles” pre-test the clamps. If a clamp gives out while your vehicle is in operation, it could well lead to extensive exhaust system repairs. Repairs that were preventable! Like so many other things our technicians do, taking the time to check the clamps on your muffler and pipes can save you unnecessary expense. This alone won’t prevent exhaust failures. But if you do require an exhaust system, we can help with that as well. And our mufflers come with a Lifetime Warranty, of course. But our mufflers also come with something extra. They come with a little wiggle, too!
When you position yourself behind the steering wheel, turn the ignition key, shift the gear lever into “D” and press down on the accelerator pedal, you expect your car to move forward. If this is not happening, chances are it’s a little late for preventative maintenance on your transmission. Regularly adjusting the bands and replacing the filter and fluid will ensure your transmission is cooperative when you ask it to propel your car forward, or to move it backward. And it won’t wake your neighbours in the process. With our tender loving care, your transmission will operate smoothly, and quietly, too.
You yourself can help to keep your transmission happy. Here’s some good driving tips to extend its life:
- Don’t shift from Drive or Reverse to Park while the car is moving. Always bring it to a stop, and then shift.
- Check your fluid regularly. If you notice darkening in colour or if you see black specs in it, call us at (613) 723-6960. Let’s check things out right away, before there’s a big problem.
- If you tow anything with your car, pay careful attention to the gears you’re using. Generally, you will want to avoid Overdrive. Adding a transmission fluid cooler to maintain the correct temperature may also be advisable.
You will begin to notice:- Roll or sway on turns
- Front end “dives” when braking
- Rear end “squats” when accelerating
- Excessive bouncing or sideways slides on rough roads
- Your vehicle “bottoming out”
- Leaks on housing
- Dents on the strut or shock body
- Worn rubber mounting bushings
- Abnormal tire wear
- Damaged compression bumpers
- Damaged protective boots